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Horse-Speaker's Saddle

Source Tombs of Golarion pg. 11
Aura moderate divination and transmutation; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 16,500 gp; Weight 20 lbs.


This wood-and-leather riding saddle is stitched with icons of warriors on horseback. The saddle is of archaic design, with a thick girth, high cantle, and no stirrups. It automatically resizes to fit any mount from Medium to Huge size.

When the saddle is worn by a mount, its rider can speak with animals at will, as the spell. Once per year as a fullround action, the rider can target the animal wearing the saddle with the awaken spell. This doesn’t predispose the animal toward the rider and doesn’t compel the animal to follow the rider’s commands; in fact, if the rider has treated the animal cruelly, the awakened animal may attempt to unseat or attack the rider.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, awaken, speak with animals; Cost 8,250 gp